Stock Footage
Farish Media has hundreds of high-definition clips available for immediate download. Amazing shots include aerials of lava, volcanoes, hidden valleys and waterfalls, beaches, activities, flora, fauna, sunsets – you name it!
We use professional broadcast HD cameras, lighting and audio packages, and Cineflex for our aerials, giving you the highest quality visuals available. You can rest assured that our footage was shot and directed the right way. The proof’s in what you see.
Please visit our gallery to view and purchase footage. To search for a specific element, add the search term or keyword in the search bar in the upper left corner following “artist:farishmedia”. For example. “artist:farishmedia lava” will bring up all of Farish Media’s lava footage.
Farish Media is a top-notch video and HD TV production company based in beautiful Hawaii! Being based in Hawaii is part of what makes Farish Media great, as we are able to provide stock footage of some of the most beautiful natural locations in the world. Our clients never come away disappointed as the combination of natural beauty and our experienced staff’s high-end abilities leads to amazing results. Beyond that, Farish Media is able to create original footage for your product, company, or commercials. It is this type of adaptability and versatility that makes Farish Media unique among our peers in the industry. We are supremely confident in our ability to take on any project you might have, big, small, or in between, and deliver results that will blow you away. Stock footage is one of the specialties of Farish Media. Our scenery just outside our door gives us a huge edge in creating stock footage. Nothing beats Hawaii as a location for filming stock footage, however we also film stock footage elsewhere to support every stock footage need. Contact Farish Media today for any questions about stock footage or the pricing of our stock footage services. We look forward to hearing from you and fulfilling all of your stock footage needs!